Rules of the school


Tel. 25 310 191, Fax 25 310 226

                                                                                                                                                                               9th of September 2019

Subject Rules of the school

Dear parents,
Οn behalf of all the staff we would like to communicate with you and wish you a creative school year.

Each school unit in order to work efficiently, functionally and effectively is based on proper organization and administration, in the good relationship and cooperation between parent, teacher and children and in operating regulations observed by everyone. Believing in the right relationship and cooperation of all members (director, teachers, parents, and children) and your positive response, we would like to inform you about various topics relating to our school.

  1. Children must be at school until 7.45 in the morning. Teachers are at school at 7.30, so they are not responsible for the safety of children who come earlier. Children leave school at 13.05. Please be typical on this time line.
  2. For those children who have been registered in the full-day section, we remind you that this will begin on Wednesday, the 2nd of October. If you wish to cancel the registration, please inform us immediately because it should be referred to the Ministry of Education.
  3. We also please as you close the gate which is in the inside entrance of the school when you enter the kindergarten and when you leave.
  4. Every child may have a small bag with a sandwich in a plastic pot, washed and sliced fruit/vegetable (also in plastic pot) and a bottle of water or canteen. Croissants, savory, biscuits, chocolates and juices to be avoided.
  5. We remind you the content of the announcement given to you when you confirmed your child’s registration, that the bag with wheels is forbidden due to space in the hangers.
  6. It is recommended children not to wear t-shirts with laces, hood, necklaces, bracelets in order to avoid causing accidents.
  7. Games from home to be avoided.
  8. Each parent is advised to accompany the child to the class and not to leave him/her at the entrance of the kindergarten.
  9. Due to the high temperatures that occur in our country, if you wish your child can bring a hat which he/she will wear only during the break at the play ground.
  10. It is recommended as children avoid wearing expensive jewellery at school. In case of lost the school doesn’t have any responsibility.
  11. Parents who wish may have on their child's bag clothes for changing the child if this is necessary to be done at school.
  12. In case that you want to celebrate when your child has birthday, you can offer something dry and individual for each child (eg chocolates, biscuits). Birthday cakes are prohibited.
  13. Because, as a part of the lesson, children are offered various food, please inform your child's teacher immediately if allergies are presented and we must avoid some food.
  14. In the case where some children during their stay at school come into a conflict between other children, in any case, the parent of a child may not reach the other child in order to speak to him/her. Responsibility for resolving the issue have the teachers.
  15. No child will stay at school with fever.    
  16.  Also, antipyretic medicines are not given in school from the teachers
  17. Children's absences (Form ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ Α)
We send to you an announcement of Ministry of Education with the related theme.
Please as, the relevant uncompleted forms which  are mentioned in Ministry’s announcement and that we sent to you, are kept     at home for completion by you in case it is needed. The related forms will also be in the Director's Office.   The completion of the above forms is your obligation each time your child is absent and on his/her return to school     these must be given completed to his/her teacher. In case of non-completion, the absences will be considered unjustified. You are also be informed that when a child is absent at regular intervals then the Ministry of Education and Culture is being informed because the attendance is considered incomplete.
18. Please check and clean regularly your children from head lices.
19. School holidays
We are having the same festives as at primary school: 1st of October, 28th of October, 13th of November (Name Day of Archiepiscop), 23 of December until 6th of January (days closing during Christmas and New year coming), 30th of January (School’s Day) 2nd of March (Green Monday), 25th of March, 1st of April, 13 until 24 of April (days closing during Easter), 1st of May, 28th of May (Ascension Day), 8th of June (Spirit Day) and 11th of June (Apostolou Varnava).
20. DDE 1: Individual Pupil Form, DDE 22: Parent/guardian’s consent to photographing/video recording and   
       publishing  of child’s photos/videos, Form
Please fill in and return to your child's teacher, the above forms which are been sent to you, the sooner but not later than Monday 16th of September 2019.
21. We please as you inform the school (by phone or in private) if another person except the authorized by you (Form ΥΠΠ ΠΑ1), will come to take your child at the time of departure. Otherwise your child will not depart from the school.
22. Weekly planning of educational target –Thematic Union
For your information it will be displayed on the front board while there will be papers propagated for those parents who want to procure it.
22. Announcements sent by the school will be placed in the plastic communication folder with your child's name on it. Please read in your child's personal paper the rules and also check daily the context in order to be informed on everything related to school. THE PLASTIC ENVELOPE OF COMMUNICATION  MUST ALWAYS BE IN YOUR CHILD'S BAG.
You have to be sure that we will be closed to your child and to you during the whole year aimed to the whole development of the child and the maximize of his/her personal potentials.

We wait your response and cooperation.

Thanking you in advance,

Natasa Ioannou, Maria Konstantinou, Laura Xadjitofa

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